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Integrative Pharmacy

Peter’s Definition of Integrative Pharmacy

Re-inventing the Profession of Pharmacy - What does Integrative Pharmacy mean to Pharmacist Peter Lee?

As we look around there are more and more integrative or integrated type of pharmacies popping up all around locally, across Canada and in the USA.  What is common with all of these pharmacies is everyone sells a fair amount of natural products and there is some promotion of integrative medicine and/or a holistic approach.  However, if you look at each one of these pharmacies individually, the philosophy and level of client care can be quite different from one pharmacy to the next. 

So one might ask what is an integrative pharmacy?  That is a really good question as I have been asked that numerous times now since opening my doors in Dec 2014.  At the moment there is no right or wrong answer as there is no standard definition to follow for the term integrative pharmacy.  One might ask whether it is a pharmacy that just sells natural products and supplements and does not really take much into consideration the western medicines an individual may be taking?  Or is it a pharmacy that encourages clients to use both conventional drugs and natural products without much discern?  I have also seen some pharmacies offer e-commerce stores where you can purchase your natural products online where there is minimal or no interaction with any type of practitioner.  There are also "integrative” pharmacies that sell natural products, dispense pharmaceuticals and sell lottery tickets, candy, gifts and other things you would typically find in a conventional drugstore.  So does Balanced Health Integrative Pharmacy fall into any of these categories as described above?  The answer is - absolutely not!

The Differences between Conventional Pharmacy and Integrative Pharmacy - Pharmaceuticals can Save Lives when used Acutely!

Unlike conventional pharmacy where there is a heavy emphasis on chronic pharmaceutical drug use, my practice of Integrative Pharmacy ideally requires the pharmacist to work collaboratively with the client and their doctor to determine the origin of cause.  We really want to refrain from filling prescriptions aimlessly where a client’s history and reason for using the drug has not been probed carefully.  In other words rather than just filling pharmaceutical prescriptions to perhaps temporarily mask the symptoms, we want to find the origin of cause of the illness or symptom(s). 

There have also been many times in which I have seen pharmaceuticals fail to treat the symptoms and in fact cause the client unwanted side effects.  Or in some instances the drug can make one thing better but cause something else to be worse.  In our practice of Integrative Pharmacy, we want to encourage our clients to go as natural as possible when it comes to their treatment plan.  But on the other hand we do not want to discount western medicine altogether as there will be situations where it will be warranted and be extremely helpful.  For example, it is possible that a pharmaceutical may be needed temporarily to "put out the fire" or help get things under control while the origin of cause is being investigated.  Some great examples of when pharmaceutical drugs can be extremely useful and even life saving are as follows:

  • prednisone to help with an asthmatic, allergic or anaphylactic reaction
  • nystatin to get rid of excess candida overgrowth
  • valacyclovir to treat an impending cold sore outbreak
  • tramadol to help provide pain relief from broken ribs
  • ativan to help cope with anxiety before getting onto an airplane
  • amoxicilin for strep throat
  • diphenhydramine for allergic reactions

In situations like the above, it may well be that a pharmaceutical drug used acutely may be considered the safest and most effective treatment initially or at least should be considered as part of the action plan.  In the practice of Integrative Pharmacy, we generally want to promote pharmaceutical drugs for acute use rather than chronic use.  And then there will be situations where the pros of using a pharmaceutical long term may outweigh the cons, and in these cases we fully support their use in this type of application.

No one Practitioner knows it All - The Importance of Open Minded Collaboration

We want to foster an environment where the pharmacist can work cooperatively with the client and their MDs, NDs, physiotherapist, RMT, etc where all healthcare practitioners put the health of the client first and foremost above personal ego and significant financial gain.  I also personally do not think there is anything wrong to tell a client "I am not sure” or "I do not know the answer to your question” as opposed to pretending to know the answer and carrying out a treatment that is either unsuccessful, causes side effects or is just a plain waste of the client’s hard earned money.  One of my personal pet peeves is when someone tries to sell me a product or service that is not suitable for me just for the sake of selling me something.  I have never done it and will never put any of my clients in that kind of situation because I myself do not want to be treated that way.  There is just so much to know when it comes to health and wellness and in many cases there is a still a lot that is unknown.  How can one person possibly know it all?  Therefore, open-minded collaboration is essential to helping clients achieve their personal health goals! 

Conventional and Naturopathic Medicines each have their Place in Therapy - Each is Really not Complete without the Other

Based on my observation and experiences, the reality is that if we relied solely on conventional medicine or natural medicine by itself we are not likely to have all the tools in our tool box to heal our clients or improve their health and well being optimally.  For example MDs are very focused on prescribing pharmaceuticals and performing surgeries, whereas NDs are very focused on natural treatment modalities (i.e., vitamins, minerals, natural hormones, herbs, IV therapy, etc.).  I am a strong believer in all of these treatment modalities and believe there is a place in therapy for each and every one of them.  We just need to find the right balance for our client.

In Integrative Pharmacy, my goal is to integrate the two schools of thought into one as seamlessly as possible with the goal of creating a positive health outcome for the client!

Thus I have outlined below my own personal 8 principles to the practice of Integrative Pharmacy.  This is the manner in how I practice pharmacy as a pharmacist.

Peter Lee's Definition of Integrative Pharmacy - The Eight Principles to the Practice of Integrative Pharmacy

1. Determine the root cause.

Help determine the root cause of the illness/symptom by exploring the client’s reason and medical history for using the pharmaceutical.

2. Fill prescriptions with discern.

Refrain from dispensing pharmaceutical prescriptions aimlessly or mindlessly.

3. Think outside the box.

Be open minded and use both conventional and natural medicines where appropriate.

4. Balance the client’s health as naturally as possible.

Encourage a more natural route if possible but do not hesitate to recommend pharmaceuticals if deemed necessary.

5. Find out what treatments really work.

The reality is that there are a lot of false claims and propaganda out there in all types of medicines (and also with the food and beverage industry).  As a result of this I am constantly trying to figure out what really works and what doesn’t for my clients.  Unfortunately, natural medicine has taken a bigger brunt for this, but the reality is that there are a lot of false claims in conventional medicine as well.  I can’t help thinking that the so called evidence based medicine is somewhat biased in certain instances.

6. Sell the client what they really need and not a bunch of unnecessary products or services.

The reality is everything in life is a business, and someone is always trying to sell you something.  At Balanced Health Integrative Pharmacy, we are in the business of selling great health!  We do not recommend products/services for the sake of making a sale.  We will only recommend what we see fit, is within your budget and help you prioritize your needs. 

7. Emphasize prevention and healthy aging.

Encourage clients to be more proactive about their health rather than being reactive.  In other words, refrain from allowing conditions/symptoms to progress to the point where it makes it more challenging and more expensive to treat!  Catch things as early as possible.

Promote healthy aging to slow down the aging process so we can enjoy life throughout all years including our more senior years!

8. Refer to appropriate allied healthcare professionals when necessary and without ego.

No one practitioner knows everything.  Hence it is important to refer out to the right person when necessary and to work cooperatively with everyone involved - putting the client's health first!

"In Integrative Pharmacy I work with my clients and their doctors on finding the root cause of their condition - While balancing their health as naturally as possible and utilizing western medicine where appropriate."

Peter Lee, Integrative Health Pharmacist
Founder of Balanced Health Integrative Pharmacy

"Balancing Your Health as Naturally as Possible"

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The information within this website represents the personal opinion of the author, pharmacist Peter Lee, and is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not meant to diagnose or treat any specific medical condition or symptom.  Please seek a qualified healthcare practitioner for an individualized treatment plan for your own personal health situation.
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