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BHRT (Who Benefits and How)

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy - Who Benefits and How

At some point in life, most women will probably benefit from hormone balancing with the use of bio-identical hormones or natural hormone replacement therapy (that is BHRT for short).  In younger women, we commonly see hormone imbalances occurring with an excess of estrogen.  These women typically have too much estrogen relative to progesterone, a term coined "estrogen dominance.”  In most cases increasing progesterone levels and/or decreasing estrogen levels will help restore harmony here.  In older women who are in menopause or post menopause, there tends to be a greater focus on overall hormone deficiencies.  In these particular groups of women, most of the major hormones will be pretty low at this point in life.  There is good chance that more than one hormone will be needed to restore balance for these women.

At Balanced Health Integrative Pharmacy, one of our main areas of specialty is Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT).  We aim to educate our clients about BHRT so they can make an informed decision.  We can typically break it down into four groups of women who may benefit from this therapy.


Often confused with peri-menopause, women who are pre-menopausal will typically have an excess amount of estrogen relative to progesterone in their body.  The goal here is to balance the excess estrogen (i.e., neutralize high estrogen levels) to help relieve the symptoms.  This group of women can range anywhere in age from 20 to 50.  When there is too much estrogen and not enough progesterone, many women will experience pronounced premenstrual like symptoms (PMS) 1 to 2 weeks before the start of their menstrual cycle.  Many experts in bio-identical hormones use the term "estrogen dominance" to describe this constellation of symptoms.  These symptoms can manifest in the form of insomnia, anxiety, fluid retention, bloating, mood swings, angry outbursts, migraines, thinning hair, and swollen breasts just to list some of the more common symptoms.  Many women may also experience flooding, cramping and/or clotting with their period.  This can potentially lead to low iron levels and painful periods.  Conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids and fibrocystic breasts can also stem from "estrogen dominance."


Women who are peri-menopausal have missed periods that are irregular and unpredictable.  This is the period of time that precedes menopause.  On average, it typically takes about 4 years for fluctuating estrogen levels to dwindle down to a level where periods will stop altogether before a women officially enters menopause. The frequency of periods can be anywhere from having a period on average 2 months to having one every 4 or 5 months.  Symptoms can be more broad and varied from what one may experience in the pre-menopause to the menopause stages.  Please note that pre- and peri-menopause often get misunderstood and confused as being the same, but there is a distinct difference between them.  Quite often women in this group are the most challenging to work with in restoring balance as the hormone levels are much more erratic.


We say a woman has officially entered into menopause once they miss twelve periods in a roll.  The average age is 51 years young but the range can be anywhere from 40 to 60.  Women may also experience surgical induced menopause which is when a hysterectomy has been carried out.  Generally, the goal for women in menopause would be to replenish all hormones in the body as close as possible to natural physiological levels -- meaning what the healthy body would normally produce in the ideal environment.  We are not trying to make someone who is aged 50 to be 25 again, but merely trying to bring hormone levels back up to help manage menopausal symptoms.  This can translate into better sleep, improved mood, increased energy, clearer thinking (i.e., help with foggy brain), decreased anxiety, elimination of hot flashes/night sweats, and relief of vaginal dryness.  These would be the more common symptoms that women notice an improvement in once their hormones are restored and balanced correctly.  For women who have undergone hysterectomies, it is possible that the procedure could have been prevented if the individuals had their hormones balanced properly.  Please read Dr. John Lee’s book, What Your Doctor May NOT tell you About Menopause for more information about this topic.


In women who are post-menopausal (typically around age 55 and better), BHRT can serve as a foundation to healthy aging.  The goals of therapy here would be to improve cognitive functioning, increase mental sharpness, improve muscle mass, maintain/recover bone density, restore energy, feel more vibrant, enhance stamina, prevent bladder infections, avoid incontinence issues, and feel some of the vigor that we once had in our younger years!  There would also be a strong emphasis on disease prevention (i.e., Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, heart health, etc.).   

Working with our resident hormone expert, Peter Lee

Peter Lee, our integrative health pharmacist and resident hormone expert, can work with you and your doctor on finding the right combination of hormones.  Over the years he has seen a wide variety of prescribing patterns and schools of thought from many doctors all over the lower mainland prescribing these hormones.  He has provided private consultations to hundreds of clients and has followed up with thousands of clients in his pharmacy career.  Peter prides himself on giving information that complements your doctors' action plan and also helping clients troubleshoot if there are issues with their current treatment plan. 

In most cases a successful plan to managing hormone imbalances/deficiencies consists of making necessary lifestyle modifications which includes making changes in eating and drinking habits.  An appropriate supplement program containing key vitamins, minerals and nutrients is also essential.  Herbal medicines may also play a key role in the management plan depending on the client's personal health situation.  Additionally, minimizing and clearing the body of toxins needs to be considered while the right hormones at the right doses are prescribed for you by your doctor.  These various components are all generally part of the action plan.  If incorrect hormones and/or dosages are used, there can potentially be worsening of symptoms or the emergence of new symptoms.  Please see Peter's Top Ten tips on BHRT to learn more.

Any regular client of our pharmacy will have the benefit of Peter's knowledge and expertise in this area when picking up their prescriptions from our pharmacy.  His goal is to make sure you are on track and if not, he will make appropriate recommendations for you to speak with your doctor about how to increase your chances of a positive health outcome!

"In my 16 years working with bio-identical hormones I have been truly amazed at how many women I have come across who think there is no solution to their symptoms - For example, they think flooding, cramping and/or clotting associated with their periods and having low iron is the norm; and they have to live with it when a very natural and effective solution exists." 

Peter Lee, Integrative Health Pharmacist
Natural Hormone Consultant

"Your Natural Hormone Compounding Specialist"

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The information within this website represents the personal opinion of the author, pharmacist Peter Lee, and is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not meant to diagnose or treat any specific medical condition or symptom.  Please seek a qualified healthcare practitioner for an individualized treatment plan for your own personal health situation.
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