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The Basic 6

The Basic 6 - Peter Lee's Top 6 Supplements for Maintaining Optimal Health and Vitality

#1. Magnesium

Magnesium is responsible for over 300 activities in our bodies, making it absolutely essential for good health. It is arguably the most powerful nutrient out there!

Certain prescription drugs, excess stress, poor diet, regular consumption of alcohol and caffeine will all rapidly deplete the body of magnesium which can affect how your muscles and nerveswork.

Some examples of common problems magnesium is great for treating are:

  • Anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, stress, restless leg syndrome, low energy, constipation, tense muscles, hormone imbalances and migraine headaches

The right amount of magnesium can give you a calm steady energy and keep your bowels regular too. However too much magnesium can make you more tired and/or give you loose stools.

There are many different brands and forms of magnesium on the market and not all are created equal. Please speak to one of our staff on how to optimize your magnesium levels so you can start feeling better sooner than later.

#2. Vitamin D

Have you ever noticed that your mood and energy levels are much better on sunny days? This is largely because the sun stimulates your body to produce vitamin D which is sometimes referred to as the sunshine vitamin. The current research indicates many of us are very low in this important nutrient, since we lack exposure to sunshine - especially during the fall and winter months.

Vitamin D has both endless short term and long term health benefits which would be impossible to list all of them here. If one can optimize their vitamin D intake one will generally notice an improvement in energy, better immune functioning, fewer muscle/joint aches and a noticeable improvement in mood.

In the long run, maintaining the right levels of vitamin D will decrease your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions and clinical depression amongst many other illnesses.

Vitamin D supplementation may be one of the easiest and least expensive ways to improve quality of life and decrease risk for developing chronic medical conditions. However, the standard dosing of Vitamin D that Health Canada calls for is usually nowhere near enough to achieve the right blood level necessary for optimal health and well-being for most adults!

The only way to really know how much vitamin D one should consider taking is to know how low you are in the first place. Please see our pharmacy staff for more details. Have your levels checked today, and reap the benefits of enjoying a sunny day everyday!

#3. Vitamin C

With Vitamin C we have one of the most established and potent anti-oxidants of all time to add to our foundation!

This nutrient has been studied extensively by the famous Linus Pauling who raised the awareness of this very important nutrient. Vitamin C has many potential short term and long term health benefits to our bodies. Nowadays with the modern lifestyle that most people choose to live vitamin C deficiency is on the rise as excess stress on the body will rapidly deplete it. In addition to excess stress, caffeine which has become a major part of the modern lifestyle will lower your levels even further!

So what is Vitamin C good for? Immunity, Immunity, Immunity! Yes, we have seen how mega doses have helped people recover from the common cold and flu and lower doses have been extremely helpful at preventing it. In addition it is extremely helpful in treating and managing allergies and many clients have also reported feeling an energy boost from taking it.

Other potential benefits seen with vitamin C are the following:

  • Nourishing the adrenal glands, helping to manage stress, healing wounds and soft tissue injuries, maintaining healthy connective tissue including gums, improving heart health etc.

Come in and speak to one of our staff to see how this powerful nutrient can help keep you and your family more healthy!

#4. Omega 3s (EPA/DHA)

Omega 3s are a good source of the healthy fats our bodies need to stay well-oiled! While we get most of the omega 6 and 9 fats from the typical North American diet, there is generally a deficiency in the amount of omega 3s.

Omega 3s may improve mood and combat depression, especially when taken in conjunction with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Memory and cognitive functioning can also be enhanced with this supplement.

Omega 3s may reduce inflammation, so are great for controlling arthritis or managing other conditions that have high inflammation. They also improve heart health by lowering triglycerides and raising the "good” cholesterol (HDL), which in turn can lower the "bad” cholesterol (LDL).

In addition omega 3s also may improve our skin health allowing us not only to feel, but also look more vibrant!

#5. Probiotics

Probiotics are "friendly” bacteria that naturally reside in our bodies and are a huge factor in our digestion and immunity and hence overall health.

They prevent disease by stopping "bad” bacteria, viruses and yeast from overgrowing in our digestive tract. They also assist in the digestive process, allowing our body to absorb nutrients much more easily.

Taking a probiotic daily can help keep the digestive system in balance. A diet that is higher in sugar, caffeine and processed foods will ward off good bacteria. Frequent antibiotic use and excess stress will also throw our sensitive digestive systems out of balance. Probiotics help your digestive system working at its peak to boost your immune system which is ironically mostly located in your gut!

Probiotics can also be found in fermented foods like certain yogurts, kimichi, kombucha, kefir and sauerkraut. Another simple way of increasing the good bacteria is to have an apple a day. They have the ability to help feed the good bacteria in the body.

Remember there is the old saying "good health begins with good digestion.

#6. Zinc

The benefits of zinc are huge yet greatly underestimated. Often individuals are deficient in this vital mineral yet it is commonly overlooked!

Zinc is involved in over 300 different enzymatic reactions in the body. Some of the more common health issues we see improved with this super mineral are immunity, men’s health and thyroid functioning.

There are also other numerous health benefits to taking zinc such as the following: healthy hair and nails, improving absorption/digestion of nutrients, helping muscle growth and repair, treating infertility, managing skin conditions etc.

High stress lifestyles, poor diet, smoking, alcohol etc. can all contribute to a zinc deficiency. A common sign of a zinc deficiency is white marks on your finger nails!I

Ready to Start the Basic 6? - Four Factors to Consider when Taking Supplements

If you are interested in implementing "The Basic 6” into your daily routine, please speak to our pharmacy staff and they can assist you further.

The following 4 factorsshould be considered when taking any supplement if you want to get the most out of them and not waste your hard earned money. Ideally an individual may want to consult with an experienced healthcare practitioner to help optimize their situation:

Dosage: Is this the right dose for YOU? One person’s needs may be different from another depending on their personal health situation.

Quality: Is this a good quality brand or form of the supplement? NOT all brands are created equal.

Timing: Am I taking the supplement at the right time of day? Sometimes timing can be important depending on the specific supplement or condition being treated.

Consistency:Am I taking the supplements regularly or as directed? Non-adherence is the number one failure to taking supplements. There will be supplements intended to be taken every day and then there will be times where something may be used more acutely or on a as needed basis. Have you been diligently following the instructions from your healthcare practitioner?

Whether you already have an existing supplement regimen or are looking to begin one, we can help you re-assess some of the above considerations when you are visiting our pharmacy.

If your situation is more complex or you are interested in a more thorough review, our pharmacy provides private one-on-one consultations for a fee. Please speak to a pharmacy staff member for details and go to Pharmacy Fee Schedule for more information.

Balanced Health Integrative Pharmacy offers a unique and true holistic approach to health care as we do not discount western medicine altogether and acknowledge it has a place in therapy. Although we do encourage a more natural approach whenever possible to managing and treating health issues, we do not hesitate to recommend and support the use of pharmaceutical drugs where we see fit.

"Balancing Your Health as Naturally as Possible"

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The information within this website represents the personal opinion of the author, pharmacist Peter Lee, and is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not meant to diagnose or treat any specific medical condition or symptom.  Please seek a qualified healthcare practitioner for an individualized treatment plan for your own personal health situation.
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